Take me out to the BallPARK! Join National Park Partners for a fun night that combines America's game - baseball - with America's best idea - National Parks. Park Rangers will be on hand with giveaways and fun activities for kids. Purchase discount tickets through NPP for only $5 each (no fees!) or make a donation to bring our youth partners and their families to the game. Donated tickets will be provided to Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities (RBI), Y-CAP, area summer recreation leagues, church groups, and more as a way to connect the next generation of National Park stewards to their National Park.
You can participate in a couple ways -
1. Buy tickets through us to take your family, your employees, your clients, your firm, your book club, etc. to the game at a great discount, and directly support YOUR National Park!
2. Sponsor tickets through us that we will donate to RBI (reviving baseball in inner cities) which is an amazing youth outreach program centered on personal skill development through baseball. This option also directly supports YOUR park, a double deal!
If you've been meaning to go to a baseball game and need another reason, or you're a diehard Lookouts fan, I hope you'll consider going on July 9th through us and supporting the great work that the NPP team does to steward Chattanooga's Parks and support the Park Service.
Tickets available soon, stay tuned! Sponsorship opportunities are open. At certain sponsorship levels, businesses can be acknowledged at the game over the loudspeaker and logos can be featured in the NPP video running on the jumbotron. Please email for sponsorship inquiries.