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Contact Your Representative about Moccasin Bend
Elected officials at every level – local, state, and federal – agreed in 2003 to preserve more than 750 acres on Moccasin Bend through the National Archeological District designation, and to remove nonconforming uses (including the Moccasin Bend Mental Health Institute, built in 1961) at the earliest opportunity.
As landowners of this public property, residents are demanding a voice in deciding the highest and best use of this historically and culturally significant landscape. We must work together to protect the integrity of culturally and historically significant resources within the National Historic Landmark on Moccasin Bend.
Make YOUR voice heard - contact Tennessee officials today and tell them YOU choose to SAVE THE BEND!
Sen. Randy McNally, Lieutenant Governor and Speaker of the Senate
Cameron Sexton, Speaker of the House
Tre Hargett, Secretary of State
Jason Mumpower, Comptroller
David Lillard, State Treasurer
Jim Bryson, Commissioner, finance & administration
Greg Martin, District 26 State Representative
Greg Vital, District 29 State Representative
Patsy Hazlewood, District 27 State Representative
Yusuf Hakeem, District 28 State Representative
Bo Watson, District 11 State Senator
Todd Gardenhire, District 10 State Senator